Quantum Randomness
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It is imperative for on-chain betting platforms to have transparent house edges and transparent random number generation that is verifiably fair.
While many large off-chain centralized betting platforms claim verifiable randomness with obscure cryptographic proofs that aren't actually free of potential backdoors, there is no way of knowing for sure what the real odds are or what the real house edge is.
Arcadeum fixes this, by choosing API3 as its third-party RNG provider, which is a cheaper and faster Chainlink that does not sacrifice decentralization.
QRNG has been proven to be safer than older on-chain RNG methods such as PNRG (used by RANDAO, Chainlink VRF, and others). Unlike PNRG, QRNG is resistant to Sybil attacks.
Every bet on Arcadeum consists of two transactions.
Due to on-chain limitations, random number generation cannot be securely and fairly done in the same block or the same transaction.
As such, we separate bets into two transactions:
The first transaction, called the Request, requests one or more random numbers from its chain's QNRG provider node. This is initiated by the player.
The second transaction, called the Callback, fulfills the random number(s) requested by the Request. This Callback transaction is paid for by the player in the Request transaction, which charges a small additional gas cost. There are no additional Callback fees charged by the QRNG provider. Only the designated QRNG provider can initiate the Callback. Callbacks can only be initiated one time for every Request ID. Arcadeum has implemented tested safeguards against node malfunctions and accidental node re-entrancy.
Arcadeum uses Australian quantum computing leader Quintessence Labs as its primary API3 QRNG provider. Thanks to Airnode RRP, random number generation is provider-agnostic.
Here is the provider Arcadeum uses on each chain:
Arbitrum One Chain ID: 42161
Quintessence Node Address: 0x224e030f03Cd3440D88BD78C9BF5Ed36458A1A25
Quintessence Airnode Public Key: xpub6CyZcaXvbnbqGfqqZWvWNUbGvdd5PAJRrBeAhy9rz1bbnFmpVLg2wPj1h6TyndFrWLUG3kHWBYpwacgCTGWAHFTbUrXEg6LdLxoEBny2YDz
While QNRG providers also support uint256
generation, Arcadeum only utilizes the uint256[]
generation endpoint, even when generating single numbers.
Quintessence uint256[]
Generation Endpoint (bytes32
): 0x4554e958a68d68de6a4f6365ff868836780e84ac3cba75ce3f4c78a85faa8047
Arbitrum Goerli Chain ID: 421613
byog Node Address:
byog Airnode Public Key:
byog uint256[] Generation Endpoint (bytes32):
What this means is that Arcadeum is truly the first truly provably fair betting platform in the world that shares its house edges and maximum bet equations.
Additionally, Arcadeum is the first betting platform in the world that trustlessly distributes all of its revenue to token holders and affiliates and does not keep any house profits for itself.